Results of the Club match fished at Hammersley Spring Pools on Sunday 05-06-2016. With the warm weather the Carp were spawning and were not interested in feeding in fact nothing was feeding, however most anglers only managed a few ounces. 1st. Roy Cooper 9-10-0 (1 carp of 8lb.6oz. and a few bits caught on maggot off peg 10. Gave up fishing for carp after about 4 hours and fished for tiny rudd in a foot of water when a carps tail came out of the water with 20 minutes to go quickly put maggots on a carp rig and at the second attempt hooked and landed it.) 2nd. John Bullough 5-11-0 (Had about 4 lb. of roach and rudd caught on maggot off peg 3, in the first hour and slowly run out of fish.) 3rd. Winkie Mann 0-12-0 (Bits caught on maggot of peg 5.)