As previously posted, our AGM starts at 8pm (prompt!) on 12th February and is being held, as usual, at Hodnet Social Club. All Full Members of the club are welcome to attend.

As well as the usual business of electing/re-electing the committee and officers, members will also be asked to approve some minor changes to our club’s rules and constitition, the main items being:

1/ A proposed increase in fees for Full Members to £40 Concessionary and £55 otherwise. Note. The last increase in fees took place some years ago, with the proposed ‘extra’ income needed to cover increased costs plus continued investment in the club’s fish and facilities.

2/ A proposed new ‘canal only’ membership – likely to be introduced after we obtain a tweak to the Clubmate system to cater for it.

3/ Formally ratify the takeover of fishing rights by the club of the Shropshire Union Canal between bridges 55 to 61.