Betton Pool

IMPORTANT – Following an outbreak of Carp Herpes Virus (KHV) at one of our waters in 2021, it is vital that (where provided) members use the disinfectant dip tanks to treat all nets and unhooking mats before and after fishing. Completely drying wet nets/unhooking mats at home (in the open air and preferably in full sunshine) is a further good precaution against unwittingly passing on this nasty disease.

Betton Pool is an established tree shaded pool, subject to an Improvement Project starting in 2024. It is a mixed pleasure fishery; with Roach and Perch plus Crucians and in due course Tench.

The map shows its location:

How to get there, and parking:

From Market Drayton take Maer Lane past the entrance to Morrison’s/the Fire Station. Go over the canal at Victoria Coal Wharf and proceed for approx 1 km – passing the farm produce stall on the right and then a road junction (to Brownhills) on your left. The pool is then found on your right, with parking in the layby adjacent.