As at December we had received 140 membership joining/renewal forms, and chose that moment to complete an analysis of the responses to our associated survey. The key findings are shared with members, as below.
But first, thanks to all who took the trouble to complete all, or some, of the questions – such feedback is really valuable.
Renewal Rate – Whilst we have fairly high numbers of members who don’t renew each year, we have equally high numbers who join. Its not clear why members leave, but if leaving is as a result of dissatisfaction please let us know – without such feedback it is hard for anyone to change things!
E-mail – We now have 86 members who have provided an e-mail contact. This is really useful for us as it is the only quick/economic means for the club to occasionally make contact with you. Please let the club know if you change your existing one, or indeed acquire/have access to one we can use.
Attend a work party? – 40 members say they’d be willing to attend a work party. During 2016 we intend to test this intent! – maybe with a tidying up work party at Hammersley Spring Pools. Details will be posted on the website and e-mailed to members.
Reasons to join HAC? – Mainly stated to be because of the range and locality of our waters.
Things you’d like changed? – A few comments about better parking/disabled access, mainly in respect of Preeswood – which the Committee have in hand, see separate post.
Type of angler? – It seems we are mainly pleasure anglers, but a significant sub-set also enjoy match fishing. If you are amongst the latter and don’t currently fish any of our friendly club matches, get in touch with Roy Cooper for details and consider coming along – you’d be very welcome.
Other angling clubs? – Very few of you claim/admit to being in other clubs, hopefully because we provide what you want?!
Frequency of use? – The results for this set of questions were mixed; but undoubtedly our most popular waters are Ryley’s Pools and Preeswood Pool, closely followed by our stretches of the SU Canal.
Bring a guest? – A large number of members said they’d favour being able to bring a ‘day ticket’ guest – to try fishing on our waters as a possible prelude to joining the club. As we are keen to encourage new members/and especially novices wishing to try angling as a sport/hobby, the Committee intend to put forward a proposal at the coming AGM to permit this on most of our waters – details to follow.