As per Government approved (new) Angling Trust guidelines, Hodnet Angling Club matches will resume on Thursday June 4th – starting at Preeswood Pool, and which will then continue as per clubcard info. In addition, subject to usual club rules, keepnets can again be used.


KEEP NETS will now be allowed for pleasure fishing on all club waters – with the exception of Preeswood, where a no keep net rule is followed except in matches. Note Most fish at the present time will, hopefully, be spawning so please use discretion for the well being of our fish stocks.

Obey all social distancing rules, and use relevent protective measures.

MATCH ORGANISER will provide receptacle for pool money (bring the correct amount).

THE DRAW will be conducted by the Match Organiser by placing the peg numbers in a draw bag and draw them out for each angler.

THE WEIGH IN will see the weigh net placed 2metres away from the person to weigh in, with the Match Organiser then standing 2 metres away whilst the angler transfers his catch from his keep net into the weigh net and then stands 2 metres clear. The Match Organiser will then weigh and record the weight and return the competitors fish into the water. This procedure will then be repeated for each competitor.

THE PAYOUT will be done by the Match Organiser using disposable gloves to lay out the winnings for the competitors to collect, either in an envelope or similar.

All competitors MUST adhere to these recommendations. Keep your distance, stay safe and remember we are lucky and privileged to be one of the sports to be able to return to some form of normality – don’t give anyone an excuse to go backwards!