Preeswood Improvement Project


For some time the club has wanted to improve access to Preeswood Pool, both in terms of providing parking and [less abled] access to some of the swims. The scale of the required work was clearly way beyond a few volunteers on a work party, so we had to look outwards.


After obtaining the approval in principle of the owners, Mr and Mrs Cope, some tentative plans were drawn up and estimates obtained. Sources of funding were then looked for, and through the good offices of Emma Thompkins at Shropshire Council we were made aware that funding might be possible through an Olympic Games 2012 legacy scheme run by Sport England, i.e. their ‘An Inspired Facility’ scheme.

HAC logo for preeswood grant - SE_Lottery_Inspired-by-2012





After obtaining a longer lease on the pool, as a pre-application Sport England requirement, we submitted our application togther with letters of support from The Angling Trust and (from a wider community aspect) the nearby Elmhurst Nursing Home. In November 2015 we heard that our application had been accepted and approved in full, and work started in Feb 2016.


As the scheme progresses we will add some photos and update reports

Jan 2016 – Before photos

Feb 2016 – Work underway